Wednesday, February 10, 2010



dah lama rasenye tak masuk dalam blog yang sentiasa sunyi tanpa sebarang pengunjung pun..tapi takpe ler,at least aku dapat tulis sebagai diary for tomorrow...semester ni dah masuk minggu ke7..this week the last week bfore 1 week break for chinese new year n mid sem, 1 week break hope that i can sattle the problem (myb aasignmnt,revision study and more thing)...

test 1 untuk semua subject dh amik kecuali control engineering(pstponed after mid sem) bcoz im really tired.. today pn amik for solid mechanics2 n mostly of my coursemate amik cntrol mlm nii...good news fr them..the question exactly 100% sama ngn assignmnt...bstnyer...
tp for retest after break ni lcturer dah warning soalan camane???

and also todayresult for industrial enginerng dah bad n bad luck..i dnt knw why???careless or lack of cnfdent???? just 8/ commnt..

dan yg pasti for heat transfer, design,manufacturing pn camtu gak... semakin dikejar semakin lari lak markah niii...apapun teruskanlah idup...nobody cn changes ur lifes...survives jer lerrr...
design dh strt meeting for final prject.. i hate ts prject..
for this month, mcm2 event dah jadi n akan jadi...pengundian MPP last fest n ...